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    让世界自己寻路向你走来。the burning log bursts in flame and cries, --- "this is my flower, my death."




    the wasp thinks that the honeyhive of the neighbouring bees is too small.

    his neighbours ask him to build one still smaller.



    让我保存你的足印在我的心里吧。”i cannot keep your waves,let me keep your footprints in my heart.



    the day, with the noise of this little earth, drowns the silence of

    all worlds.




    the song feels the infinite in the air, the picture in the earth,

    the poem in the air and the earth;

    for its words have meaning that walks and music that soars.



    when the sun goes down to the west, the east of his morning stands

    before him in silence.



    let me not put myself wrongly to my world and set it against me.



    praise shames me, for i secretly beg for it.



    let my doing nothing when i have nothing to do become untroubled in its

    depth of peace like the evening in the seashore when the water is silent.



    maiden, your simplicity, like the blueness of the lake, reveals your

    depth of truth.

